We Endeavor to Embrace Incremental Changes



NHN is committed to improving energy efficiency and minimizing the environmental impact from its business practices company-wide.

Environmental Management System

Adopting a climate-conscious approach, NHN is actively leading the global response to climate change. We have implemented an environmental management governance system to address the climate crisis with efficiency and agility. In order to ensure company-wide eco-friendly management, we have developed a comprehensive environmental and energy policy and established a dedicated department for environmental management, including the ESG Environment and Energy Technology Team. NHN remains committed to global environmental initiatives while continue to minimize our environmental impact across all business processes as we advance our environmental management governance.

Environment and Energy Policy

NHN has established environmental and energy policy to proactively mitigate any potential adverse environmental impacts associated with our diverse range of IT-based services. Our primary focus is to combat climate change through energy efficiency measures and greenhouse gas reduction strategies. We are dedicated to consistently ensure that we uphold our commitment to minimizing negative environmental effects through exercising the policies set forth.
01All executives and employees of NHN shall actively participate in environmental and energy management initiatives, as we strive to uphold and fulfill this policy.
02Ensure full compliance with laws and standards associated with environment and energy.
03Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by implementing energy-efficient technologies and widely using renewable energy.
04Make concerted efforts to minimize waste, conserve resources and engage in activities aimed at preserving environment.
05Purchase eco-friendly and high-efficiency energy goods as a priority to be aligned with our commitment.
06Regularly review environmental and energy performance and disclose the results to stakeholders transparently.
07Promote initiatives aimed at biodiversity conservation and ecosystem protection.

Environmental and Energy Management System Certification

In August 2022, NHN achieved certifications for environmental management system (ISO 14001) and energy management system (ISO 50001) at the same time for our Pangyo headquarters, Play Museum, and NHN Cloud Center (NCC). NHN has implemented a comprehensive approach to eco-friendly management by integrating environmental and energy management systems complying with the global standards throughout corporate activities. Obtaining these certifications, NHN is actively contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations by pursuing 13 goals from the 17 goals presented in the areas of people, planet, and prosperity.

*The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) refer to a set of 17 policy goals unanimously agreed upon by the global community during the UN General Assembly in September 2015. These goals aim to be collectively achieved by 2030 for the sustainable development of humanity across various dimensions.


Climate Change Response

In responding to climate change, NHN is steadfast in implementing a target to reduce energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions. NHN has established an eco-friendly corporate culture through improving facilities with eco-friendly initiatives and employee-participated campaigns and strive to maintain zero violations of environmental energy-related laws and regulations in the mid- to long-term perspective.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Renewable Energy Use

GHG Emission Certificate
GHG Emission Certificate2

GHG Emission Certificate

Renewable Energy Use Certificate

Renewable Energy Use Certificate

GHG and Energy Reduction Targets

LocationUnit2023 Target2023 Performance2024 Target
Play MuseumGHG Emissions (tCO₂eq/100M KRW)0.20900.18520.1902
Energy Consumption (GJ/100M KRW)4.62824.08614.2045
NCCGHG Emissions (tCO₂eq/100M KRW)0.49010.51790.5034
Energy Consumption (GJ/100M KRW)10.269510.841010.5433
NHNEnvironment Energy Compliance Rate (%)100100100