We Endeavor to Embrace Incremental Changes



NHN is dedicated to creating meaningful change in society through inclusion and responsibility, shared growth.

Social Contribution

Direction of Social Contribution

We, NHN, believe in the value of corporate social responsibility and strive to make a positive impact on the development of local communities through a range of activities planned strategically. Central to our social contribution strategy is that we can generate not only economic value but also social value through our core business. We have established a donation system that encourages voluntary participation from our dedicated employees, ensuring that everyone has a chance to contribute. Our goal is to extend a warm hand to our neighbors in need, providing them with the support they require to overcome challenges as we strive to create a sustainable future for all.

Direction of Social Contribution

Social Contribution Participated by NHN Members

Little Action Campaign

'Little Action' is NHN's core social contribution campaign, where its members and the company collaborate in the workplace to make a difference in the environment and for its neighbors and society. Launched in 2019 with the motto of "Creating great joy through small actions," Little Action has led to numerous campaigns supporting the underprivileged, blood donation, upcycling, and value consumption. Employees can redeem points earned through participation in Little Action at the flea market held internally at NHN, with NHN donating all proceeds from the flea market sales.

My Auction•Lucky Auction

Since 2020, NHN has been actively engaging in various initiatives to promote social responsibility including 'My Auction,' an auction program designed to provide employees with the chance to buy PCs, monitors, stands and other equipment that has reached its use cycle at a reasonable price. All proceeds from this auction is donated to Seongnam City and the local community. Additionally, we have implemented the 'Lucky Auction,' an internal auction specifically held when employees receive holiday gifts that are hard to return. Through this auction, the winning bidder can choose to donate the auctioned amount directly to a charitable organization of their choice.

Sharing Computer with Love

NHN has been carrying out a campaign named 'Sharing PC with Love' which aims to enhance the IT education opportunities for vulnerable groups, including children, youth and senior. By donating high-performance refurbished PCs to local organizations, NHN aims to bridge the digital divide while fostering resource efficiency and actively supporting the local community.

Matching Grant

NHN upholds a culture of giving by matching voluntary donations made by employees with additional company-level donations and goods through the 'Matching Grant' Program. In 2022, NHN prepared a matching grant donation campaign to help victims of wildfires and neighbors affected by torrential rains, raising a total of KRW 100 million. In 2023, NHN went on to set up a donation campaign to help those affected by the earthquake in Turkey, where employees and the company organized and delivered more than 4,400 relief items to the affected areas.

Food Donation and Occasional Donation

NHN consistently donates food left after serving to its employees for breakfast to the Seongnam Open Food Market every month. By engaging in this practice, we actively contribute to supporting those in need and realizing our commitment to a more inclusive society. Moreover, we carry on donation activities aimed at improving the educational environment for vulnerable children and providing support to volunteer center which are made possible by utilizing in-house idle assets and lost-and-found section, enabling us to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities.